
There is no greater gift to give your child than to be baptized! It is at your child’s baptism they will become a child of God and will become part of the Body of Christ.

Here are the main things to consider when preparing for a baptism at St. Francis Xavier:

  • Baptisms (Request Form Required; link below): Take place in the church on the first and third weekends of the month after the 5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass or after 10:30am Sunday Mass.
  • Baptism Prep Class (Registration Required): If you have not attended baptism preparation class within the past five years, you will be required to attend the class. Classes are held on the third Thursday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September & November. Classes are from 6:30pm–7:30pm in the Parish Hall (St. Sophia Room).
  • Catholic Godparents/Sponsors & Christian Witnesses: One Catholic godparent is required.  Two Catholic godparents are permitted but, they must be of the opposite sex with one serving as the godfather and one as the godmother. They do not have to be married to each other.
    • Catholic Godparents/Sponsors -- Must be:
      • 16+ years of age
      • Received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation
      • Leading a life of faith and in good standing with the Catholic Church. 
        • A Letter of Good Standing will be required for Catholic godparents from the parish they are registered/attend Mass (unless they are member at St. Francis Xavier).  See link below.
    • Christian Witnesses -- Non-Catholic Christian witnesses still play vital role in praying for the child and helping him or her grow spiritually. These witnesses can be of any Christian denomination. They must be baptized and 16+ years of age.
Catholic Sponsor -- Letter of Good Standing Form (Completed by Catholic Sponsor(s) & their parish priest, if not members at STFX Church)

To learn more about Baptisms or register for Baptism Prep Class, please contact the Parish Office (763) 684-0075.