Liturgical Ministries

To see the upcoming ministry schedule, please go to the STFX Ministry Scheduler Pro website.

Liturgy Committee

Chairperson: Marcus Boelter
The Liturgy Committee meets monthly and is comprised of the priest, the liturgical ministry chairs, and three appointees. The Liturgy Committee assists in planning for various liturgies throughout the year and attends to the environment of the church.


Altar Servers

Chairperson: Fr. Meyers
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most important act of worship we can offer to God. In order to make it a fitting and glorious prayer, the Church has employed altar servers throughout its entire history. Children are able to begin this great work once they have reached the 5th grade. Training sessions are held in the Fall and led by the pastor.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

Chairperson: Deacon Paul Buck
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion during weekend Masses, weekday Masses, and Masses on Holy Days of Obligation. To serve as an EMHC, you need to have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, be a practicing Catholic and have a deep love for the Blessed Sacrament. EMHCs are trained and commissioned to serve in this parish. Those interested in serving the parish as an EMHC should contact Deacon Buck or Father Meyers.


Chairperson: Teresa Langton
Lectors lend their voice to God so that people may hear the saving word of their Creator. All confirmed Catholics who are registered parishioners are able to serve as lectors for both Sunday and weekday Masses. 



Chairperson: Derek Maffei



Chairperson: Frank Patterson
The usher’s role in the Church dates all the way back to ancient Rome. Ushers not only welcome people to the church as they come to worship, but they also help people find their seat, attend to those who may have special needs, and assist those who may become ill during Mass. If you are interested in becoming an usher, please contact the parish office for more information.