Make All Things New Campaign

 As we continue to work to be good stewards of our parishioner's monetary generosity, St. Francis Xavier Church has established the “Make All Things New” debt elimination campaign to finally retire our debt that was incurred in building our beautiful school and offices back in 2006. 
Currently, we have roughly $850,000 in debt.  With that number in front of us, we are asking each family that regularly attends Mass to prayerfully consider giving $2,200 over the upcoming year (ending in May 2025).  If we succeed together in eliminating this debt, St. Francis Xavier will be out of debt for the first time in almost two decades.  The initial pledge drive that was put out in May 2024 yielded a total of 178 responses with a total pledged amount of $232,380.00 (or an average pledged gift of $1,305.50).
St. Francis Xavier Church wants to thank the 178 households that have taken up the challenge to help reduce the debt and strongly encourage all the other households to do so.  We average roughly 400 households that regularly attend Mass in our parish, so that means we still have about 56% of active households in the parish that have not yet made a pledge to this campaign.  My hope is that we can get 100% participation of all our Mass attendees, as this is something that involved our whole parish and it will be a wonderful way to work together towards a common goal.  By eliminating our debt, we prevent the parish from needing to re-finance at a higher interest rate and allow our money to be used towards concrete activities and planning for the future.
St. Francis Xavier Church knows not everyone can give $2,200 to this campaign—and we have received some generous gifts that are above that targeted amount—it is the case that each household can take part in this campaign on some level.  Among the various gifts we received since the campaign has been established was a $2.00 gift from a child in our parish, including a pledge form filled out in this child’s handwriting wrapped around two one-dollar bills.  What a deeply moving gift by the magnanimity of this child’s spirit.  A gift like this is a strong call to action on all our parts. 
Please join in this campaign to help our parish become debt free by filling out and returning one of the pledge forms available in the church or parish office.  You can also stick the pledge form in the white "Make All Things New" envelopes that are included in your envelope packets that are sent in 2-month increments.  You can also donate online by clicking here.
We are grateful for your support in eliminating the debt that we have in front of us, as we push toward bringing an end to this two decade endeavor!