2025 Archdiocesan Catholic Services Appeal
St. Francis Xavier is asking all parishioners to prayerfully consider contributing to the Catholic Services Appeal. Even a small gift brings glory to God much like the gift of the Holy Family who brought the poor offering of two turtle doves. Our parish’s goal is $47,078, and 60% everything raised above that figure will come back to Saint Francis Xavier and benefit the elimination of our mortgage. Thank you for your generosity!
Remember: Your contributions to the Catholic Services Appeal also help make seminary formation more accessible, which in turn helps support the formation of priests who may one day serve here in Buffalo or at the hospital.
You can donate via the CSA envelopes (located at the church or parish office) or the QR code. Checks should be made out to “Catholic
Services Appeal”. Envelopes can be dropped in the collection basket at Mass, brought to the parish office or mailed directly to the Archdiocese (be sure to indicate Saint Francis Xavier, Buffalo):
Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Catholic Services Appeal
PO Box 6488
Saint Paul, MN 55106