Graduating High School Seniors
All Graduating Seniors are invited to join us for Mass on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 10:30am. We will honor the Seniors, the Knight’s of Columbus Scholarships will be awarded. A photo will be taken after Mass. Seniors are encouraged to wear their graduation gown, no caps please.
The Knights of Columbus Council #6608 will be awarding four-$1000 scholarships again this year. Interested students should submit a school transcript, letter and email address.
Address the letter to the scholarship committee and include the following details: (Extra points are awarded for these areas)
- Active Parish Involvement
- Your (or your father’s) KC Involvement-if applicable
- Applications are also judged based on:
- Community Involvement or Work
- School involvement
- Quality of application
- School transcript
You do not need to have a Knight in your family to apply. Scholarships must be used within two years. Winners of the scholarships will be announced at the 10:30am Mass on June 4, 2023.
Submit: Two ways to apply
All applications must be received by May 25, 2023
Mail to: Knights of Columbus #6608, PO Box 402, Buffalo, MN 55313
Contact Rob Nosbush for questions