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Pick-A-Pledge Fundraiser

The Pick-A-Pledge fundraiser helps support our parish youth to attend camps, trips and programming. Every year over 100 youth participate in various summer camps and trips. These events range from Pro-Life, mission work, faith-building, evangelizing and other various events. Each activity educates, strengthens and inspires our youth to go out into the world to live their faith and share it with others! Unfortunately, a number teens are unable to afford the cost of some of these events. In addition, our chaperones must use their own vacation time from work AND pay their own way to attend these events. This places a burden on many families.
Stop at board (located in the church gatering area), grab an envelope, fill it with the amount (cash or check made out to St. Francis Xavier) on the front of the envelope and drop it off at the parish office or drop it in the collection basket.