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NW CCW Deanery Lenten Day of Prayer
February 02, 2024

NW CCW Deanery Lenten Day of Prayer

Thursday, March 7th | 9:00am-3:00pm
King’s House, Buffalo
All women of the Parish are invited to a Northwest Deanery Lenten Day of Prayer at Christ the King Retreat Center. The day begins with registration at 9:00am, followed by conferences, lunch, confessions, Stations of the Cross & Mass closing at 3:00pm.
The topic for the day will be “Do This in Memory of Me”. These words of Jesus remind us of The Last Supper shared with His disciples and the gift of His presence as He becomes the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. The disciples remembered many things from that night. It is these memories that will guide the retreat.
The gift shop will be open for your convenience in finding spiritual reading materials and an abundance of religious articles.  Wheelchairs and elevators are available. To RSVP, please call Judy Weldele at 763-682-1983.  Reservations are due by Monday, February 26th. To show our appreciation to the members of the STFX Council of Catholic Women, the CCW will be paying the $60 retreat fee for you.