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2024 MN March For Life Rally
January 05, 2024

2024 MN March For Life Rally

Monday, January 22nd | 9:00am-3:15pm
St. Paul Cathedral & State Capitol, St. Paul
Hold your spot on the bus -- Register Here!
The St. Francis Xavier Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a bus to go to the MN March for Life Rally on January 22nd. The bus will leave the church parking lot at 9:00am and return around 3:15pm.  There is a prayer service at the Cathedral in St. Paul followed by a rosary walk to the Capitol. At 12noon, the MCCL program at the Capitol will begin. The bus will stop for a lunch (your cost) on the return trip. Other than lunch, there is no cost to you to attend!
For more information contact Michael Holmstrom at 763-645-9701; or Frank Patterson at 612-616-1433;