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"What Did the Church Say?" Presentation
January 05, 2024

"What Did the Church Say?" Presentation

Fiducia supplicans Church Document Presentation
Sunday, January 28th | 1:00pm | Parish Hall
**This presentation of Fiducia supplicans Church Document was postponed a week (original date was Jan. 21st).**
The recent statement from the Vatican on blessings for people in irregular relationships has provoked strong reactions, but what does this document (Fiducia supplicans) actually say? Come listen to a careful and detailed analysis of this document presented by Fr. Meyers at the Church of St. Francis Xavier.  The presentation will evaluate the content of this document, its connection to the Church’s unchanging teaching, and what it both does and does not mean for Catholics going forward.
Join us to learn more about this important declaration from the Church.