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CCW Appalachia Christmas Mission
October 24, 2023

CCW Appalachia Christmas Mission

Donations Accepted Up To Monday, October 30th
The Council of Catholic Women at STFX is once again sponsoring our Appalachia Christmas Mission. This mission started over 42 years ago and has brought Christmas Joy to the families in Kentucky.
In the past, we've donated new unwrapped gifts for adults and children and shipped them to Kentucky to five different parishes with the greatest needs. This year the CCW will be donating money to each of the five parishes so that they are able to provide for Christmas the most needed items for their parishioners. As the deacon in one of the parishes stated, "There are over 1,000 families in East Kentucky who received Christmas presents last year only because of YOU. There is no way to thank you all enough and no words to express the eyes of those who have a Christmas because of your sacrifice."
If you'd like to make a monetary donation, please make checks payable to St. Francis Xavier CCW and place in the collection basket. Deadline to donate is Monday, October 30th. Thank you for your generosity! Questions? Please call Lois Pahl at 612-532-8516.