News and Updates

Adopt-A-Baby Program "Baby Shower"
January 03, 2025

Adopt-A-Baby Program "Baby Shower"

Conclusion of Spiritually Adopted Baby Program
Donations Accepted January 12th-26th
Thank you on behalf of all of the little babies that you cared enough to pray for and their mothers. We will conclude our Adopt-A-Baby program with a "baby shower" for Options for Women/Cornerstone Pregnancy Resource Center in St. Michael. Their greatest need is for disposable diapers size newborn, 4 and 5; wipes, baby lotion and shampoo; boys and girls onesies; and sleepers sizes 0-3 months and 3-6 months. Please put your gift in the bassinet in the back of church between January 12th-26th. Thank you for this gift of life!